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An open call to join the Clinical Microbiology and Infection editorial team: editor in clinical micr
An open call to join the Clinical Microbiology and Infection editorial team: editor in clinical microbiology

L. Leibovici, CMI Editorial Office, Contact: leibovici@post.tau.ac.il

Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) is looking for an editor in clinical microbiology to join our editorial team. The new editor will deal with submissions pertaining to research and clinical aspects of clinical microbiology.

We are looking for a person knowledgeable in diagnostic clinical microbiology techniques, both classical and new molecular ones; in bacterial, viral and fungal infections. A research record is a requisite; as is a strong record of peer-reviewing and editorial activities.

What should you expect if you would join us as an editor? CMI editors participate in making decisions on the journals' policies. They attend meetings of the editorial team 1-2 times per year. Editors of CMI are assigned about four papers per month. They invite suitable peer-reviewers to write peer-reviews, judge the merits of the manuscript according to the reviews and make a decision whether to decline publication or ask for a revision. For papers with a high chance of publication, the editor will continue working with the author to improve the presentation of the results. Editors solicit reviews and commentaries. We have mid-career people joining us as Editorial Fellows (1), and the editors are mentoring them. We estimate the work needed as 2-4 hours per week.

Editorial work at CMI is voluntary and editors are not compensated for their time. The appointment is for four years, and can be
extended for another term. As noted by Celine Pulcini, the experience can be rewarding [2]. CMI is the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. It has an impact factor of 10.9. Our aims at CMI have been published [3]: please read them before you apply to us.

Why should you join us as an editor? The only working model (as of now) that brings research results to the people who are interested and can use them is through scientific journals. Improving the methods and the reporting of results is a worthy goal, and you can contribute by being an editor. We think the aims of ESCMID [4] and CMI [3] are worthwhile.

To put forward your candidacy, please write to the Manager of CMI Office, Julia Friedman: jlubom2@gmail.com.
Please send us your CV and list of publications; a one-page text summary of your research and clinical career, including future prospects; a one-page summary of your editorial experience and experience as a peer-reviewer; one page including three ideas of how to improve CMI; and two letters of recommendation focusing on your skills as a peer-reviewer and editor.

Please write to us before May the 15th, 2025. We will make our decision by August the 1st, 2025.

Please do not hesitate to write to us with any questions you might have.

Editorial Note: not peer-reviewed.

1. Leibovici L. Clinical microbiology and infection: an open call for editorial interns. Clin Microbiol Infect 2023; 29:1099. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2023.06.008. Leibovici L, Allerberger F, Cevik M, Huttner A, Paul M, Rodríguez-Baño J,Scudeller L. Submissions
and publications in corona times. Clin Microbiol Infect 2020; 26:803-4
2. Pulcini C. Being a CMI editor. Clin Microbiol Infect 2019; 25:1449-50.
3. Leibovici L; CMI Editors. What are our aims at CMI? Clin Microbiol Infect 2018; 24:1225-6.
4. Poljak M, Akova M, Friedrich AW, Rodríguez-Baño J, Sanguinetti M, Tacconelli E, et
al. ESCMID-an international Europe-based society committed to fostering crossborder collaboration and education to improve patient care. Clin Microbiol Infect 2018; 24:1-2
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Inlagt 2025-01-21 av Anna Hill  

2025-03-13 22:10
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