This conference is the 3rd international meeting on current research in zoonotic ecology and epidemiology, organized by the Society for Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology.

It is a special challenge to organize a meeting on such a hot topic as zoonotic diseases related to birds. We actually decided upon the theme of the meeting already in 2003, after our second meeting. Today we can just say that timing could not have been better!

As with our previous meetings, the main purpose of this meeting is to bring together scientists from both basic and clinical science, active in the field of zoonotic infections and zoonotic infectious agents, in order to increase networking and inter-disciplinary collaboration between human and veterinary medicine, microbiology, epidemiology, ecology, biology, and other related biosciences. This time, we have added interaction with authorities and journalists in a special seminar entitled risk communication. By this we hope to assist the participants in their preparedness to meet the media and to inform the public about reserach in a professional way. We look forward to interactive and stimulating seminars as well as exciting short presentations and posters!

The Annual Meeting of SocZEE will be held on Wednesday afternoon, May 3, starting at 5:00 p.m.

The conference will be followed by a two-day optional tour to Ottenby Bird Observatory, including bird watching in one of the most spectacular places in Europe. Meet the nordic spring in a World Heritage - The Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland - and enjoy orchids, beautiful mornings and sunsets, and 150+ species of migrating birds on their way to their nesting places in Scandinavia and the Arctic.

Invest five days in an unforgetable mix of state of the art lectures, scientific workshops and a spectacular bird-watching experience!

To those who would like to contribute to the scientific programme:

1) Does your topic fit into some of the themes already included in the scientific programme? If so, please contact the programme committee or the chairperson of that theme in order to find out if we can integrate your presentation into that theme.

2) There will also be time slots available for free presentations.

3) You may also choose to contribute to the "poster museum". For more info, please check out the Programme.

Please observe that last date for registration is March 31.

We look very much forward to meet you in Kalmar in May!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Ingvar Eliasson, M.D., Ph.D.
Secretary of SocZEE
Dept Clinical Microbiology and Immunology
Lund University Hospital

SE-221 85 Lund

Previous meetings organized by SocZEE:

This conference  is partly financed by the the Structural Funds of the European Union.
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