The venue of the meeting is Brofästet Conference Centre, Kalmar, Sweden. Rooms are available at the venue but are not included in the conference fee.

Rooms at Brofästet Conference Centre:

Single bed room
approx € 100:- (SEK 900:-) per night

Double bed room (per person)
approx € 73:- (SEK 660:-) per night

Breakfast is included.

We recommend that you make your reservation att the time of registration to the meeting, using the common registration form.

As an alternnative, you are also welcome to stay at any of the hotels in the city centre of Kalmar:

  1. First Hotell Witt
  2. Scandic Stadshotellet Kalmar
  3. Slottshotellet Close to the Kalmar Castle.
  4. Hotell Packhuset By the waterfront.
  5. Frimurarhotellet
  6. Kalmar Lågprishotell Svanen (budget)
  7. Kalmarsund Hotell
  8. Scandic Hotell Kalmar Väst (not central, you will need car or taxi)
  9. Brofästet Hotell & Konferens (The venue, north of the city centre, see separate map)
  10. Kalmar Airport (outsie map, approx 5 km from city centre)
  11. Central railway station
  12. Bus terminal
  13. The Museum of the Royal Ship Kronan. (Thursday evening programme)

If you choose to stay outside of the venue, you will have to make your own private arrangements. Just leave the options on the Registration form blank.

This conference  is partly financed by the the Structural Funds of the European Union.
Webmaster Ingvar Eliasson. Last changed: 1970-01-01. Hit count: 4327.