
Mikrobiologi.net > SFM > Medlemmar > Ingvar Eliasson > C.V  
Ingvar Eliasson C.V.

(Updated August 7, 2024)

Name: Axel Ingvar Eliasson
Born: Helsingborg, Sweden, 20 April 1957
Civic status: Married with Ms. Meiying Shi. Three children (born -87, -89 and -92) in a previous marriage. One bonus daughter, born -97. 
Private address: Nedre Långvinkelsgatan 75, SE-252 34 Helsingborg, Sweden

Experienced leader with a disruptive mindset, always committed and present, and with great confidence in the team's strength and ambition to succeed!


Current position:

Senior consultant (self-employed), Academic Links (since 1988). Current main contracts: 

– Aug 2024–present: Head of Unit, Study Center for Laboratory Medicine, Biobank and Study support, Medical Diagnostics Karolinska, Karolinska University Hospital.Karolinska University Hospital. The assignment is interim and on a consulting basis, via Ledningsbolaget.

– May 2024–present: Senior Consultant, Ledningsbolaget - a part of  Acceptus. Through Ledningsbolaget, I act as a sub-consultant and can step in as an interim manager or support manager in a medical operation. This type of consulting assignment takes place during time-limited periods, and with a clear assignment. As an experienced manager, I can step in and lead and run a business or be a support to existing managers with the aim of improving management, quality and results.

– 2022–present: Contracted as Medical expert and Member of the Medical Scientific Board at  Dynamic Code, Linköping, Sweden. 

– 2022–present: Contracted as External auditor by Lipus

– 2004–present: Owner and manager of Mikrobiologi.net

– March 2022–March 2023: Contracted as Technical adviser by SWEDAC

Previous three positions & addresses:

March 2019 until December 2021
Head of department
Region Skåne  (organisation)
Office for Medical Services  (administration)
Department of Clinical Microbiology, Infection Prevention and Control
Sölvegatan 23 B
SE-221 85 Lund

October 2015 until February 2019
Medical Director (Medicinsk chef), Clinical Microbiology Sweden
Unilabs Laboratory & Radiology Services
Råsundavägen 12
SE-169 67  Stockholm

May 2009 until October 2015
Head of department (Verksamhetschef)
Västra Götalandsregionen (Organisation)
NÄL (Regional administration)
Laboratory Medicine
SE-461 85 Trollhättan

Other previous positions:
(Not a complete listing, just relevant posts)

  • 2009. Senior Consultant, University and Regional Laboratories Region Skåne, Dept of Clinical Microbiology
  • 2005-2009. Head of department (Verksamhetschef), Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden.
  • 1996-2005. Head of department (Verksamhetschef), Department of Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infection Control, Kalmar County Hospital, Kalmar, Sweden.
  • 1993-1996. Specialty training in Clinical Bacteriology, Department of Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infection Control, Kalmar County Hospital, Kalmar, Sweden.
  • 1991–1993. Internship (AT – allmäntjänstgöring med integrerad forskartid), Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, and Tåbelund Primary Care Center (Tåbelunds vårdcentral), Eslöv, Sweden.
  • 1990. Research Assistant, Office of Medical Education (Enheten för medicinsk pedagogik). I was associated to this office during the period from 1983 to 1996, working with student exchange, teacher training and educational programme reform. My full time commitment was limited to six months during 1990.
  • 1986–1988. Clinical bacteriologist, Dept of Clinical Microbiology, Växjö Central Hospital, Växjö, Sweden. (Summer months only)
  • During the period 1980–1990, I was connected to the Dept of Medical Microbiology, University of Lund, as a Ph.D. student, mixing research and my medical studies. In total, I was employed for six years and eight months as a research assistant and one year and seven months as a laboratory physician (vikariat som underläkare/ klinisk amanuens).

Academic degrees:
1978. Academic degree in human genetics (10 p).
1980. Academic degree in medical microbiology (20 p).
1990. Ph.D. Lund University, Sweden. Medical microbiology. Title of thesis: Betalactamases in respiratory tract bacteria – characterisation of betalactamases in Branhamella catarrhalis.
1991. M.D. Medical Faculty, Lund University
1993. Put on the medical register (Läkarlegitimation)
1996. Speciality in Clinical Bacteriology, Kalmar County Hospital

Courses, training:
(Not a complete listing, just the most relevant posts)

  • 1986. Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford Univerity. Three months of laboratory skills training with focus on enzyme kinetics of beta-lactamases.
  • One 1 week CME-course in U.S.A. (New York), 1986. Focus on antibiotic resistance.
  • 1988. Problem-Based Health Professions Education, Univ of Limburg, Maastricht, the Netherlands (5 days).
  • Four one-week CME-courses (SK-kurser) in Sweden during 1993–1995:
    - General Immunology
    - Immunology of Autoimmune diseases
    - Infections in the Compromised Host
    - Hospital Infection Control

Leadership training:

  • 1986. Leadership training programme, Division of Health Manpower Development, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (3 March–18 April).
  • 1996–2002. Leadership Training Programme, Kalmar County Council. (Kontinuerligt chefsutvecklingsprogram, Landstinget i Kalmar län.)
  • 2002. Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology. My profile = ENTP (extrovert, intuitive, thinking, perceiving).
  • 2003. Self-Managed Leadership, HageGården, 31 jan–2 feb.
  • 2008. LEAN health care. Leadership training programme, Lund University Hospital.
  • "Ny chef", Leadership Training Programme, NU-sjukvården / Lorensbergskonsulterna, October 2010 - April 2011.
  • 2019. Handledarutbildning (Supervisor course for supervisors in specialty training), ComMed, Stockholm, May 2019 (three days).

Scientific publications (reverse order):

  1. Nordberg M, Forsberg P, Berglund J, Bjöersdorff A, Ernerudh J, Garpmo U, Haglund M, Nilsson K, Eliasson I. Aetiology of Tick-Borne Infections in an Adult Swedish Population—Are Co-Infections with Multiple Agents Common?
    Open Journal of Clinical Diagnostics 02/2014; 2014(4):31-40. PDF
  2. Can ELISPOT Be Applied to A Clinical Setting as A Diagnostic Utility for Neuroborreliosis? Nordberg M, Forsberg P, Nyman D, Skogman BH, Nyberg C, Ernerudh J, Eliasson I, Ekerfelt C. Cells. 2012 Jun 8;1(2):153-67.
  3. Lindblom A, Wallménius K, Nordberg M, Forsberg P, Eliasson I, Påhlson C, Nilsson K. Seroreactivity for spotted fever rickettsiae and co-infections with other tick-borne agents among habitants in central and southern Sweden.European Journal of Clinical Microbiology 09/2012; DOI:10.1007/s10096-012-1742-3
  4. Tammelin A, Karell AC, Kriisa M, Aspevall O, Nilsson P, Qvarfordt I, Iversen KU, Andersson R, Ahrén C, Melander E, Fraenkel CJ, Lytsy B, Isaksson B, Samuelsson A, Lundholm R, Johansson A, Norén T, Ripa T, Karlsson L, Löfgren S, Matussek A, Wahlberg T, Oberg S, Eliasson I, Sundin CG, Andersson E, Granström R, Danielsson A, Lindblom A, Ryding U, Blad L, Boman H, Karlman K, Heimer D, Hambraeus A, Ransjö U. Clothes in health care. Don''t mix identification and hygiene routines]. Läkartidningen. 2011 Mar 2-8;108(9):453.
  5. Dessau R. B., Eliasson I., Skarpaas T., Nyman D. 2011; Report from a survey of laboratory methods used in Scandinavia. Testing for Lyme borreliosis in the Nordic countries – variations in strategies and rate of seropositivity [Google Scholar]
  6. Neumark T, Ekblom M, Brudin L, Groth A, Eliasson I, Mölstad S, Petersson AC, Törngren A. Spontaneously draining acute otitis media in children: an observational study of clinical findings, microbiology and clinical course. Scand J Infect Dis. 2011 Dec;43(11-12):891-8. Epub 2011 Jul 8.
  7. Tjernberg I, Henningsson AJ, Eliasson I, Forsberg P, Ernerudh J. Diagnostic performance of cerebrospinal fluid chemokine CXCL13 and antibodies to the C6-peptide in Lyme neuroborreliosis. J Infect. 2011 Feb;62(2):149-58. Epub 2010 Nov 16.
  8. Tjernberg I, Carlsson M, Ernerudh J, Eliasson I, Forsberg P. Mapping of hormones and cortisol responses in patients after Lyme neuroborreliosis. BMC Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 5;10:20.
  9. Linus Christerson, Maria Blomqvist, Karin Grannas, Mikael Thollesson , Karine Laroucau, Jonas Waldenström, Ingvar Eliasson, Björn Olsen, Björn Herrmann. A novel Chlamydiaceae-like bacterium found in fecal specimens from sea birds from the Bering Sea. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(4): 605-10, 2010.
  10. Jorge Hernandez, Jonas Bonnedahl, Ingvar Eliasson, Anders Wallensten, Pär Comstedt, Anders Johansson, Susanne Granholm, Åsa Melhus, Björn Olsen, Mirva Drobni. Globally disseminated human pathogenic Escherichia coli of O25b-ST131 clone, harbouring blaCTX-M-15, found in Glaucous-winged gull at remote Commander Islands, Russia. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(2):329-32, 2010.
  11. Comstedt P, Asokliene L, Eliasson I, Olsen B, Wallensten A, Bunikis J, Bergström S. Complex Population Structure of Lyme Borreliosis Group Spirochete Borrelia garinii in Subarctic Eurasia. PLoS ONE 4: e5841 (9 pages), 2009.
  12. Tjernberg I, Sillanpää H, Seppälä I, Eliasson I, Forsberg P, Lahdenne P. Antibody responses to borrelia IR(6) peptide variants and the C6 peptide in Swedish patients with erythema migrans. Int J Med Microbiol. 2009 Aug;299(6):439-46. Epub 2009 Jan 9.
  13. Tjernberg I, Schön T, Ernerudh J, Carlsson Wistedt A, Forsberg P, Eliasson I. C6-peptide serology as diagnostic tool in neuroborreliosis. APMIS 116: 393–9, 2008.
  14. Neumark T, Mölstad S, Rosén C, Persson, L-G, Törngren A, Brudin L, Eliasson I. Evaluation of phenoxymethylpenicillin treatment of acute otitis media in children aged 2-16. Scand J Primary Health Care 2007, 25:166-71.
  15. Tjernberg I, Krüger G, Eliasson I. C6 peptide ELISA test in the serodiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2007, 26:37-42.
  16. Fält J, Lundgren Å, Alsterlund R, Carlsson B, Eliasson I, Haglund M, Lundkvist Å, Vena S, Settergren B. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Skåne, southern Sweden: A new TBE endemic region? Scand J Infect Dis 2006, 38: 800-804.
  17. Stenhem M, Örtqvist Å, Ringberg H, Larsson L, Olsson-Liljequist B, Hæggman S, Ekdahl K, The Swedish Study Group on MRSA Epidemiology. Epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Sweden 2000–2003, increasing incidence and regional differences. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006, 6:30. [Link to article]
  18. Jarefors S, Karlsson M, Forsberg P, Eliasson I, Ernerudh J and Ekerfelt C. Reduced number of IL-12 secreting cells in patients with Lyme borreliosis previously exposed to Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2005, 143: 322–328.
  19. Broman T, Waldenström J, Dahlgren D, Carlsson I, Eliasson I, Olsen B. Diversities and Similarities in PFGE profiles of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from Migrating Birds and Humans. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2004, 96: 834–843.
  20. Bjöersdorff A, Wittesjö B, Berglund J, Massung R, Eliasson I. Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis as a Common Cause of Tick-Associated Fever in Southeast Sweden – Report from a Prospective Clinical Study. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Scand J Infect Dis. 2002; 34 (10):788-.
  21. Bjöersdorff A, Bagert B, Massung R, Gusa, Eliasson I. Isolation and Characterization of two European strains of Ehrlichia phagocytophila of equine origin. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology. 2002; 2: 341-3.
  22. Wittesjö B, Bjöersdorff A, Eliasson I, Berglund J. The First Long-Term Study of the Seroresponse to the Agent of Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis among Residents Living in a Tick Endemic Area of Sweden. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2001; 20 (3):173-8.
  23. Bjöersdorff A, Berglund J, Kristiansen B-E, Söderström C, Eliasson I. Human granulocytär ehrlichios. Tolv skandinaviska fall hos människa redovisas. Svensk Veterinärtidning 1999; 15:29-34.
  24. Bjöersdorff A, Berglund J, Kristiansen B-E, Söderström C, Eliasson I. Varierande klinisk bild och förlopp vid human granulocytär ehrlichios. Läkartidningen 1999; 39:4200-42004
  25. Erlandsson CM, Hanberger H, Eliasson I, Hoffmann M, Isaksson B, Lindgren S, Nilsson LE, Soren L. Walther SM. Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in ICUs in southeastern Sweden. ICU Study Group of the South East of Sweden. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 43(8):815-20, 1999.
  26. Bjöersdorff A, Brouqui P, Eliasson I, Massung RF, Wittesjö B, Berglund J. Serological evidence of Ehrlichia infection in Swedish Lyme borreliosis patients. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 31(1):51-5, 1999.
  27. Eliasson I, Bjöersdorff A. Fästingar fäste för nya zoonoser. [Does the infectious disease, human ehrlichiosis, exist in Sweden? Ticks get a hold of new zoonoses]. [Swedish] Läkartidningen. 94(40):3487-8, 1997.
  28. Carlsson U, Brudin L, Eliasson I, Hansson BG. Hepatitis A vaccination by intracutaneous low dose administration: a less expensive alternative. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 28(5):435-8, 1996.
  29. Roth B, Grände PO, Nilsson-Ehle P, Eliasson I. Possible role of short-term parenteral nutrition with fat emulsions for development of haemophagocytosis with multiple organ failure in a patient with traumatic brain injury [see comments]. Intensive Care Medicine. 19(2):111-4, 1993.
  30. Schalén L, Eliasson I, Kamme C, Schalén C. Erythromycin in acute laryngitis in adults. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 102(3 Pt 1):209-14, 1993 Mar.
  31. Mölstad S, Arvidsson E, Eliasson I, Hovelius B, Kamme C, Schalen C. Production of betalactamase by respiratory tract bacteria in children: relationship to antibiotic use. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. 10(1):16-20, 1992 Mar.
  32. Eliasson I, Kamme C, Vang M, Waley SG. Characterization of cell-bound papain-soluble beta-lactamases in BRO-1 and BRO-2 producing strains of Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis and Moraxella nonliquefaciens. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 11(4):313-21, 1992 Apr.
  33. Schalén L, Eliasson I, Fex S, Kamme C, Schalén C. Acute laryngitis in adults: results of erythromycin treatment. Acta Oto-Laryngologica - Supplement. 492:55-7, 1992.
  34. Schalén L, Andersson K. Eliasson I. Diagnosis of psychogenic dysphonia. Acta Oto-Laryngologica - Supplement. 492:110-2, 1992.
  35. Eliasson I, Holst E, Mölstad S, Kamme C. Emergence and persistence of beta-lactamase-producing bacteria in the upper respiratory tract in children treated with beta-lactam antibiotics. American Journal of Medicine. 88(5A):51S-55S, 1990 May 14.
  36. Petersson AC, Eliasson I, Kamme C, Miörner H. Evaluation of four qualitative methods for detection of beta-lactamase production in Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 8(11):962-7, 1989 Nov.
  37. Mölstad S, Eliasson I, Hovelius B, Kamme C, Schalén C. Beta-lactamase production in the upper respiratory tract flora in relation to antibiotic consumption: a study in children attending day nurseries. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 20(3):329-34, 1988.
  38. Eliasson I, Kamme C, Prellner K. Beta-lactamase production in the upper respiratory tract flora. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 5(5):507-12, 1986 Oct.
  39. Kamme C, Eliasson I, Knutson BK, Vang M. Plasmid-mediated beta-lactamase in Branhamella catarrhalis. Drugs. 31 Suppl 3:55-63, 1986.
  40. Eliasson I, Kamme C. Upper respiratory tract infections. Ecological and therapeutic aspects of beta-lactamase production with special reference to Branhamella catarrhalis. Drugs. 31 Suppl 3:116-21, 1986.
  41. Eliasson I. Serological identification of Branhamella catarrhalis. Serological evidence for infection. Drugs. 31 Suppl 3:7-10, 1986.
  42. Kurl DN, Christensen P, Eliasson I, Schalén C. Binding of aggregated human serum albumin to M12 and some other types of group A streptococci. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica - Section B, Microbiology. 93(3):237-42, 1985 Jun.
  43. Schalén L, Christensen P, Eliasson I, Fex S, Kamme C, Schalén C. Inefficacy of penicillin V in acute laryngitis in adults. Evaluation from results of double-blind study. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 94(1 Pt 1):14-7, 1985 Jan-Feb.
  44. Eliasson I, Kamme C. Characterization of the plasmid-mediated beta-lactamase in Branhamella catarrhalis, with special reference to substrate affinity. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 15(2):139-49, 1985 Feb.
  45. Ginsburg I, Borinski R, Lahav M, Matzner Y, Eliasson I, Christensen P, Malamud D. Poly-L-arginine and an N-formylated chemotactic peptide act synergistically with lectins and calcium ionophore to induce intense chemiluminescence and superoxide production in human blood leukocytes. Modulation by metabolic inhibitors, sugars, and polyelectrolytes. [Review] [49 refs] Inflammation. 8(1):1-26, 1984 Mar.
  46. Ginsburg I, Christensen P, Eliasson I, Schalén C. Cationic polyelectrolytes, liquoid and leukocyte extract modulate the binding of IgG to group A streptococcal Fc-receptors. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica - Section B, Microbiology. 90(2):161-8, 1982 Apr.
  47. Eliasson I, Svensson ML, Ramstorp G, Schalén C, Christensen P. Quantitation of M antigen in Lancefield extracts of group A streptococci type 12 using electro-immuno assay. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica - Section B, Microbiology. 88(6):299-302, 1980 Dec.
  48. Eliasson I. A protein antigen characteristic of Branhamella catarrhalis. Serological identification of the genus. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica - Section B, Microbiology. 88(5):281-6, 1980 Oct.

Books (reverse order):

  1. Referensmetodik för laboratoriediagnostik vid kliniskt mikrobiologiska laboratorier. I. Infektionsdiagnostik. I6. Sexuellt överförbara infektioner (red). [Reference Methods for Laboratory Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.] Smittskyddsinstitutet [Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control], 2009 (2:nd edition)
  2. Forsgren A, Kronvall G (Eds), Eliasson I (Assist Ed). Klinisk bakteriologi. [Clinical Bacteriology.] Studentlitteratur, Sweden, 1996.
  3. Eliasson I. Datorstöd inom laboratoriemedicin. [Computer support in laboratory medicine.] In: Petersson G, Rydmark M (red). Medicinsk informatik. Almqvist & Wiksell Medicin. Liber Utbildning, Sweden, 1996: 12. 197-202.
  4. Söderström C, Eliasson I. Antibiotika vid luftvägsinfektioner i öppen vård. Pfizer AB, Sweden, 1994.
  5. Wadström T, Eliasson I, Holder I, Ljungh Å. Pathogenesis of wound- and biomaterial associated infections. Springer-Verlag, London, 1990.

Scientific Expeditions

  1. Joint Russian and Swedish investigations into zoonotic pathogens on the Commander Islands. July 2007. Supported by Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat. Expedition leader of the Swedish group: Ingvar Eliasson. (Report published in Yearbook 2007 of the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat.)

National policy (reverse order):

  • 2013. Laboratory diagnostics of borrelia infektion - Review of European recommendations and current diagnostic approaches. Member of expert group. (Smittskyddsinstitutet)
  • 2009. Clinical Management of Borrelia Infection. Member of expert group within the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket). National recommendations was  published in 2009.
  • 2000. Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children. National consensus. (Behandling av akut öroninflammation hos barn. Konsensusuttalande från konsensuskonferens 10–12 maj 2000, Arrangerad av Landstingsförbundet, Medicinska forskningsrådet och Socialstyrelsen i samverkan.) Member of the panel.

Organization of international meetings (reverse order):

  • 2009. Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis. Örenäs Slott, Sweden (Head of organizing committee and member of programme committee).
  • 2006. Strep EURO-symposium - Global burden of Streptococcal disease and European battle against it, Lund, Sweden. (Member of Organizing Committee)
  • 2006. Current Research in Avian Zoonoses, Kalmar, Sweden. (Head of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 2003. Current Research in Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology, Kalmar, Sweden. (Head of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 2001. Current Research in Tick-Borne Infections, Kalmar, Sweden (Head of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 1989. Pathogenesis of Wound and Biomaterial-Associated Infections, Helsingør, Denmark (member of organizing committee).
  • 1981. Basic Concepts of Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases, Lund, Sweden (member of organizing committee).

Organization of national meetings (reverse order):

  • 2017. NMMD 2017 - Nätverket för Molekylär Mikrobiologisk Diagnostik, Skövde, October 26-27, 2017. (Member of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 2014. Swedish Microbiology Spring Meeting (Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2014), Kulturhuset, Trollhättan, April 9–11, 2014. (Head of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 2004. Swedish Microbiology Spring Meeting (Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2004), Kalmarsalen and Kalmar Castle, April 21–23, 2004. (Head of programme committee and organizing committee)
  • 1999. Programme responsible for two national workshops (Mars and September) on the theme "The rôle of hospital infection control in the development of health care", arranged by Smittskyddsinstitutet (The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control)

Supervised to Ph.D. level (reverse order):

  1. Marika Karlsson, M.D., Tick-borne infections in Humans. Aspects of Immunopathogenesis, diagnosis and Co-Infections with Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Medical Faculty, University of Linköping. Dissertation September 2012.
  2. Ivar Tjernberg, M.D. Laboratory diagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis: Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis : Anti-Borrelia Antibodies and the Chemokine CXCL13. Medical Faculty, Linköping University. Dissertation March 2011.
  3. Thomas Neumark, M.D. Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care with special emphasis on Acute Otitis Media. Medical Faculty, Linköping University. Dissertation April 2010.
  4. Anneli Bjöersdorff, DVM. Ehrlichia in Animals and Man. Medical faculty, Lund university. Dissertation May 2001.

Examination project works (reverse order):

  1. Rajaa Hassan. En snabb påvisning av vanA och vanB hos vankomycin-resitenta enterokocker – VRE – med Multiplex TaqMan Realtids-PCR. Examination work, Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, 15 hp, Department of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 2015.
  2. Arijana Huzejrovic. Cytological examination of bladder washings. A comparative study between ThinPrep (R) and Cytospin (R). Degree project, advanced level, 15 points, Diagnostic cytology, Department of Laboratory Medicin, Karolinska Institutet, 2013.  
  3. Olga Dudina Reproducerbarhet av Furman-gradering i njurcellscarcinom i digital patologidiagnostik. Part of a course in research methodology, MFM310, 8 p, 2012.
  4. Niklas Larsson. Utveckling av immunologisk screeningmetod samt verifieringsmetod på UPLC-MS/MS för buprenorfin och norbuprenorfin. Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet 180 p, Examination project 15 p, 2012.
  5. Louise Davidsson. Critical Review of a Prospective Clinical Multicenter Investigation in a Project Management Perspective. Supervisors: Ingvar Eliasson, Britt-Inger Marklund. Examination Project Work 2004:MB10, 20 points. Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, University of Kalmar.
  6. Gunilla Krüger. Utvärdering av borreliaserologi baserad på C6-antigen som screentest för borreliainfektion. Supervisors: Ingvar Eliasson, Britt-Inger Marklund. Examensarbete 2004:F14, 10 poäng. Institutionen för kemi och medicinsk vetenskap, Högskolan i Kalmar.
  7. Persson, Heléna. Detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in clinical samples – development of method and estimation of prevalence in patients investigated for Chlamydia trachomatis. Examination Project Work 2003, 20 points. Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
  8. Carlsson, Inger. The Role of Wild Birds in the Dispersal and Transmission of Campylobacter spp. Björn Olsen, Ingvar Eliasson. Examination Project Work 2001:MB7, 20 points. Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
  9. Borén, Charlotte. Genetic Characterisation of Granulocytic Ehrlichiae in Wild Captured Small Mammals. Supervisors: Ingvar Eliasson, Anneli Bjöersdorff, Ulf Garpmo. Degree Project Work 2001:Bi14, 20 points. Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University.
  10. Bjuringer-Pennsäter, Kerstin. Monitoring of Nosocomial Infections - a Pilot Study. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson. Examination Project Work 2000:MB5, 20 points. Master of Science in Biomedicine University of Kalmar, Sweden. (Nyckelpremium, 3:e pris, 2000)
  11. Bagert, Bodil. Isolering, detektion och preparativ odling av granulocytär Ehrlichia från kliniskt material. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson, Anneli Bjöersdorff. Examination Project Work 1999, 10 points. Dept of laboratory medicine, Lund University. (för Fil. Kand. examen i Biomedicinsk Laboratorievetenskap inom påbyggnadsprogrammet för biomedicinska analytiker.)
  12. Nelson, Anna. New Approaches to the Laboratory Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Associated Diseases. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson, Lennart Mellblom, Alf Månsson. Examination Project Work 1998:B13. Biomedical Chemistry 140/160 points. Department of Natural Sciences, Kalmar University. (Nyckelpremium, 3:e pris, 1999)
  13. Haglund, Sofie. Humoral Response of Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Evaluated by Western Blot. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson, Anneli Bjöersdorff, Kjell Edman. Examination Project Work 1998:Ke1. Department of Natural Sciences, Kalmar University.
  14. Bergkvist, Margareta. Seroepidemiologic Study of Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson, Anneli Bjöersdorff. Examination Project Work 1998:MB6. Department of Natural Sciences, Kalmar University.
  15. Thomasson, Suzanne. 16S rRNA-genen - Den evolutionära klockan. Handledare: Ingvar Eliasson. Fördjupningsarbete 2 poäng. Hälsouniversitetet i Linköping 1996.
  16. Stolarczyk, Anna. "Development of a polymerase chain reaction for the detection of granulocytic Ehrlichia spp. Causing infections in dogs in Sweden. (in Swedish)" Utveckling av Polymerase Chain Reaction för detektion av granulocytotropisk Ehrlichia sp. som orsakar ehrlichios hos hund i Sverige. Handledare: Anneli Bjöersdorff, Ingvar Eliasson, Michael Lindberg. Examensarbete 1995:L1. Linjen för Tillämpad livsmedelskemi 120 poäng. Institutionen för Naturvetenskap, Kalmar University.
  17. Garpmo, Ulf. Determination of Carrier-rate of Borrelia species in Ixodes ricinus in the Kalmarsund area by using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Immunofluorescence assay. Handledare: Sven Bergström, Kjell Edman, Ingvar Eliasson, Claes Söderström. Examination project Work 1994:B1. Biomedical Chemistry 140 points. Department of Natural Sciences, Kalmar University.

Teaching experience:

  • 1980–1993. Lecturer in medical microbiology, Lund University (medical students and paramedical education)
  • 1987–1996. Involved in the planning and execution of a yearly one-week teacher training programme for faculty members ("docentkurs"), Medical faculty, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
  • 1993–. Lecturer in medical microbiology, epidemiology and hospital infection control, Dept of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences and Dept of Health and Behavioural Sciences, University of Kalmar.
  • 2000–2002. Member of a planning group, creating a curriculum for Biomedical laboratory science (Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet 120 p) at the University of Kalmar.
  • 2006-2009. Lecturer in medical microbiology at the Medical Faculty, Lund University.
  • Continous education medical staff and other customers.
  • One week course within the comulsory specialist training programme in Sweden (SK kurs) "Pathogenesis & Virulence" given two times, in 2007 and 2009. I was part of organizing committee, lecturer and examinator.  

Commissions of trust:

  • 2012-2015. Chairman of the Regional Council for Laboratory Medicine (Sektorsrådet för laboratoriemedicin), Västra Götalandsregionen.
  • 2006-2008. Vice Chairman, Föreningen för medicinsk mikrobiologi (Swedish Society for Medical Microbiology), Sweden
  • 2006-2009. Executive Board Member of Läkaresällskapet i Lund (the Medical Society of Lund).
  • 2004-2005. Managing Director, Research Institute for Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology, Färjestaden, Sweden.
  • 2003–2022. Secretary, Society for Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology.
  • 2003-2006. Executive Board member, Svensk förening för vårdhygien (Swedish Society for Hospital Infection Control).
  • 2001-2002. Secretary, Svensk förening för vårdhygien (Swedish Society for Hospital Infection Control).
  • 1998–2003. Chairman of the Standing Committee on Research and Organizational Development (Forsknings- och utvecklingsutskottet), "Södra Hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet", Kalmar County Council.
  • 1998–2005. Representing "Södra hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet" in the Central Committee on Research and Organizational Development (FoU-kommittén), Kalmar County Council.
  • 1998-2001. Chairman of a project group for laboratory medicine within a regional project for the development of information technology for the regional health care sector.
  • 1997-. Webmaster, Föreningen för Medicinsk mikrobiologi (Swedish Society for Medical Microbiology).
  • 1997-1998. Chairman, Kalmar läkarklubb (Kalmar Medical Society)
  • 1995–1997. Secretary, Kalmar läkarklubb (Kalmar Medical Society)
  • Executive Board Member of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations:
    1985–87 Liaison Officer WHO Region Europe
    1984–85 President
    1982–84 Director of professional student exchange
    (Office in Vienna. Included travel to more than 30 countries and participating in organizing international student meetings in different parts of the world, e.g. Sarajevo, Alexandria, Maastricht, Panama City.)

Prof. membership: 

  • Föreningen för klinisk mikrobiologi, Svenska läkaresällskapet. Honorary Life Member since May 2023. 
  • Svenska föreningen för mikrobiologi (Swedish Society for Microbiology - member of FEMS).
  • Swedish Society of Medicine
  • (European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - ESCMID, until 2019)
  • (Nordic Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - NSCMID)
  • (Society for Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology (Founding member, secretary, webmaster. Until 2022 when the society ended)

Computer literacy:

  • Microsoft 365 (advanced user)
  • The Adobe programme suite (advanced user)
  • Video editing and digital image processing
  • Web programming (including PHP, database management, Wordpress)
  • Basic knowledge in structured programming
  • Centuri (user)
  • ADBakt/WWLab (user)
  • CGM Analytics (user)

Other experiences:
Private company, Academic Links, founded in 1988. Focus on communication and education within the academic field, including computer programming and services. Lately, the company has been geared more towards medical services. One of the long-term projects: Initiation, development, marketing and management of Mikrobiologi.net, a web portal for microbiology in Sweden (initiated 2004). Freelance photographer, mainly underwater photography. Have organized a number of workshops and seminars in underwater photography. Health investigations of Scuba Divers.

Driver's license (car & motorcycle), PADI Rescue Diver, IANTD Advanced Normoxic Trimix Diver and IANTD Inspiration Rebreather Diver.

Scuba diving, underwater photography, photography in general. Jogging, travelling, meeting new people and cultures.

Helsingborg, August 7, 2024
Ingvar Eliasson

2025-02-05 08:54
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