
Mikrobiologi.net > Händelser och möten > 7th IAAASS – Innovative Approaches for Identification of Viral Agents  
7th IAAASS – Innovative Approaches for Identification of Viral Agents
2024-09-23 till 2024-09-27
Sardinia, Italy 
The Organizing Committee welcomes you to Polaris Technology Park, located in the territory of Pula
(Cagliari) in a natural park at the foot of Sulcis mountains, South-Western coast of Sardinia. We look forward
to sharing with you a wider view on current and future antiviral strategies in this amazing place!

Informal and interactive international environment targeted to early-stage researchers
• Presentation of most advanced methods for the development of novel antiviral agents
• Plenary lectures reviewing viral target identification and drug discovery from leading
internationally-recognized experts in virology, biochemistry, molecular modeling, and
medicinal chemistry
• Afternoon sessions dedicated to poster and oral presentations from participants
• Daily thematic discussion groups stimulating interactions between early-stage
researchers and senior scientists

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Inlagt av Ingvar Eliasson  

2025-01-15 06:01
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