
Mikrobiologi.net > SFM > Händelser och möten > (357)  
Workshop: Metals in Biology
2017-10-11 till 2017-10-11
Dear colleague,

You are kindly invited to participate in the one-day workshop on Metals in Biology organized at the University of Gothenburg on October 11, 2017.

The list of invited speakers and a preliminary programme is available below. The workshop is free of charge but participation requires registration. For inquiries, contact: markus.tamas@cmb.gu.se

Registration deadline: October 1, 2017

Registration: Länk

Venue: Lecture Hall 'Gösta Sandels' on Medicinaregatan 9B, Gothenburg

For more info and updates: www.cmb.gu.se/workshop

Hope to see you in October!

Markus Tamas

Invited speakers and preliminary programme:

Valeria Culotta (Johns Hopkins University – School of Public Health): Valeria Culotta’s research focuses on the role of metals at the host-pathogen interface.

Tentative title: Metals, microbes and infectious disease.

Thomas O’Halloran (Northwestern University): Thomas O’Halloran’s research focuses on the intracellular chemistry of elements essential for growth and proliferation, (i.e. zinc, copper and iron), nanoscale drug delivery mechanisms and on the mechanisms of clinically important anticancer agents that are based on arsenic, molybdenum and platinum chemistry.

Tentative title: Inorganic Fluxes in Control of Cellular Function from Microbes to Mammalian Gametes.

Karin Broberg (Karolinska Institutet): Karin Broberg’s research focuses on the genetics and epigenetics of metal toxicology.

Tentative title: Adaptation to arsenic-rich environments.

Sergi Puig (IATA-CSIC Valencia): Sergi Puig’s research focuses on iron homeostasis mechanisms.

Tentative title: Mechanisms of response to iron deficiency in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede (Chalmers University of Technology): Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede’s research focuses on metalloprotein mechanisms and protein misfolding.

Tentative title: Protein Interactions that Facilitate Copper Transport in the Human Cytoplasm.

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Inlagt av Markus Tamas  

Unika träffar: 817. 2024-11-23 21:27
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